why do mines process platinum

After the massacre: life in South Africa's platinum mining ...
A story of South Africa: Mining, Migration, Misery
Gold mining Wikipedia
Nickel Mining and Processing: Everything you Need to Know
Environmental Impact The Greener Diamond
What is mining? Rainforest Information for Kids
Chemistry: metals Flashcards | Quizlet
Surface Mining, Industry of Metals, Minerals, Precious ...
How the African Diamond Trade Works HowStuffWorks
Nome Offshore Mining Information Alaska Department of ...
Mineral Extraction The Environmental Literacy Council
Uranium Mining Overview World Nuclear Association
CostMine Industry Standard for Mining Cost Estimating
Where is the deepest platinum mine?
Gold Smelting Refining Process
Mercury Usage in Gold Mining and Why It Is a Problem
Why is Platinum Cheaper Than Gold? | INN
The mining industry strike wave: what are the causes and ...
Open Pit Mining Techniques|Surface Mines|Rock or Mineral ...